Discussion Forum

A place to share discussion and ideas for community members In the menu along the top of this site, there is a new tab named “Forum” which will be a discussion area for our members to share ideas and concerns with each other. Please note, if you’re only signed up to receive notifications of new posts, that does not automatically give you a user account on this website. To sign up for an account on this website please click here. Once your account is setup you will be automatically enabled to reply to discussion forum posts. If you are not signed up, you will only be able to view them, and you won’t be able to reply.

You are also more than welcome to join our group on Facebook. If you’re not a member of our Facebook group you can click here to find us, and send a request to us, to join.

Please help keep the forum free of ads and spam. Thank you for your support. I hope you will get some enjoyment out of this feature.