Chemicals in Fracking Wastewater

This list was published May, 2013 in the paper. They claimed they had nothing to hide and there weren’t any secret chemicals. Funny, though… when you add them up, I came up with 96.039 which leaves about 4% of the mixture unaccounted for.

Typical solution used in hydraulic fracking and common uses of the compounds:

95.5 per cent water and sand

.01 per cent sodium chloride (table salt)

.049 per cent additives including:

.06 per cent potassium chloride (low-sodium table salt substitute)

.085 per cent isopropanol (glass cleaner, antiperspirant and hair colour)

.088 per cent petroleum distillate (make-up remover, laxatives and candy)

.056 per cent guar gum/hydroxyethyl cellulose (thickener used in cosmetics,baked goods, ice cream, toothpaste, sauces and salad dressing)

.043 per cent ethylene glycol (automotive antifreeze, household cleaners,deicing and caulk)

.011 per cent sodium/potassium carbonate (washing soda, detergents, soap,water softener, glass and ceramics)

.007 per cent borate salts (laundry detergents, hand soaps and cosmetics)

.004 per cent citric acid (food additive, food and beverages, lemon juice)

.002 per cent N, n-Dimethyl formamide (used in pharmaceuticals, acrylicfibers and plastics)

.001 per cent glutaraldehyde (disinfectant, sterilizer for medical anddental equipment)

.123 per cent acid (swimming pool cleaner)

Source: DOE, GWPC: Modern Gas Shale Development in the United States: APrimer (2009)