A decade after the provincial government became the owner of a shuttered mill, whatever toxic mess lies beneath has… A decade after the provincial government became the owner of a shuttered mill, whatever toxic mess lies beneath has… January 14, 2019 Steve MacLellan Environment
In its latest assessment, the company identified four additional factors that might affect costs and schedule for… In its latest assessment, the company identified four additional factors that might affect costs and schedule for… January 9, 2019 Steve MacLellan Environment
Pepin says over the past 3-4 years, scientists have seen a persistent drop in phytoplankton and zooplankton in… Pepin says over the past 3-4 years, scientists have seen a persistent drop in phytoplankton and zooplankton in… December 23, 2018 Steve MacLellan Environment
Martin, who left Nalcor in 2016 under a cloud of controversy over cost and schedule overruns, was stone-faced the… Martin, who left Nalcor in 2016 under a cloud of controversy over cost and schedule overruns, was stone-faced the… December 12, 2018 Steve MacLellan Environment
In the days since the spill, this system has received a barrage of criticism for the fact that, not only does the… In the days since the spill, this system has received a barrage of criticism for the fact that, not only does the… November 30, 2018 Steve MacLellan Environment
When the C-NLOPB is an oilfield marketer, it can’t also be an effective environmental and safety regulator. #nlpoli When the C-NLOPB is an oilfield marketer, it can’t also be an effective environmental and safety regulator. #nlpoli November 22, 2018 Steve MacLellan Environment
The Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board says in a statement on its website that operations… The Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board says in a statement on its website that operations… November 19, 2018 Steve MacLellan Environment
An oil leak from a flowline to a tanker off the coast of Newfoundland caused an estimated 250,000 litres of crude to… An oil leak from a flowline to a tanker off the coast of Newfoundland caused an estimated 250,000 litres of crude to… November 17, 2018 Steve MacLellan Environment
Filled with exemptions for large producers and consumers alike, the carbon pricing framework was designed to spur… Filled with exemptions for large producers and consumers alike, the carbon pricing framework was designed to spur… November 10, 2018 Steve MacLellan Environment