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How oil and gas wells threaten people’s health

Around 13 per cent of Albertans live within 1.5 kilometres of an active oil or gas well. Given the link between oil and gas production and ill health, this leaves a significant proportion of the province’s population at risk.

But certain groups may be at a disproportionately greater risk, according to recent research our team published. Our study revealed stark socioeconomic disparities in those at the greatest risk of health problems due to their proximity to an oil or gas well — with Indigenous people and those who were less educated most affected.

The link between oil and gas production, air pollution and human health is well documented. Oil and gas production emits numerous pollutants into the air we breathe. These pollutants are associated with poor cardiovascular and respiratory health.

But while numerous studies have been published on the link between proximity to oil and gas producers and ill health, this data has mainly come from the United States — the world’s leading oil and gas producer. Relatively little research on this topic has been done in Canada. This is what our recent research sought to do. |Continue to article|

While this article is about Albertans, fracking in Nova Scotia could cause similar health problems. Their research was done in Nova Scotia, so it's a worthwhile read.